
Redefining Blue

Redefining Blue
all boys aren't blue, not held in that hue,
not bound by the shade that society drew.
each one unique, a vibrant array,
a spectrum of colors in endless display.
some boys wear red, fiery and bright,
passionate warriors, taking flight.
some dance in green, with life anew,
their hearts echo the forest, deep and true.
And yes, some boys do cry, they feel the sting,
Embracing the hurt that life can bring.
Tears aren't weakness, but a testament to try,
a symbol of strength in each watery sigh.
some boys are sunshine, a radiant gold,
their laughter warm, and boldly bold.
while others prefer a tranquil gray,
their silence speaks more than words could say.
no boy need be blue, unless it's their choice,
their color, their decision, their chosen voice.
and if tears they do happen to fall,
that is okay, boys cry too, after all
~Gunner Doyle "Redefining Blue"
Dancing on the Edge of a Black LGBT Renaissance